Tuesday, December 18, 2007



Monday, December 3, 2007

Claymation Reflection

I think that the most fun part of this project was getting to build all of the clay people. At first we got to experiment with clay people and I thought it was funny to see how some of the people experimented with there clay figures. Another fun thing was getting to take all the pictures and upload them to the computer and play around with Imovie and make great animations and add voice and sound. Some other fun things were making the backgrounds and getting to look up how famous your explorer was. What he did. Some people had explorers that were ruthless and cruel and all they did was destroy things and others were kind to the Indians.

The most difficult part of this experience was getting serious and buckling down. So you could get to work and then making the actual clay figures and backgrounds. So you could make your scene and it became kind of annoying having to take 60 pictures for each scene the other difficult part to this was all the noise it became so distracting it was crazy and then you would have to upload all your pictures to Imovie. Wait for 5 minutes on top of that and then edit your pictures after all this you had to add voice while everyone else is trying to add there voice. It’s making so much noise it’s hard to think straight and if you talk to loud then your computer freaks out and then it sounds horrible. Plus it makes you sound horrible. This is what I feel was the most difficult part of this.

The most important thing I learned in this project. Was while your working on something like this project is you really need to stay focused non-stop and always pay attention to what’s going on. Some other things I learned was that when you’re working on a computer you need to make sure if you’re using the microphone to keep a level tone. When making your clay people once there done you don’t want to mess around with them to much because they will get soft and fall apart if u play around with them to much. When making your map to use a ruler and any form of tool you can and to make sure there really colorful.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wrestling practice

Start Running.... there we are at wrestling practice doing warmup laps and then thompson yells out find a partner thats your weight so me and austin pair up but im about 20 pounds more than austin but oh well so we line up against the wall and thompson says ok hop on your partners back and sprint down to the end and back.. GO so i take off and as soon as i get back we had to switch then the next drill we had to do was pick up our partner by the waist and sprint down and back and after that Thompson yells out ok 10 handstand pushups and at about 7 it started to feel like someone had been rolling a hot skewer up and down my arms and then after that we had to do 10 finger tip pushups and 20 pullups after it felt like someone had tied lead weights to my arms and legs but all in all it was the hardest conditioning practice ever

Granite Falls

So there we were sitting in the multi purpose room and so were the Granite Falls tigers.there was so much tension in the air from the two rival teams it seemed as if the air was thicker than normal.Chris penefiel gets ready to go READYYY WRESTLE about 30 seconds later chris pins his man and hen about 8 matches later it was my turn and i was ready READY WRESTLE i automaticly jump in to it i fake shoot he drives into me i snap him down and throw the half nelson deep and pin him about several matches later i was up again and this time i was wrestling a kid that was 184 pounds which is 30 pounds more than me and i was nervouse because he was BIG so i step out onto the mat and we get ready to wrestle and were off as were moving around the mat he gives me a hot i take it i get a single leg take him down to the mat but i cant pin him hes to good so the second round starts he chooses bottom the reff blows the whistle i arm chop knee block him drive him down and pin him i was so glad i had beaten a kid that was 30 pounds more than me

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lakewood&Granite falls

Ready....WRESTLE.Ok im in Lakewood and were wrestling granite and lakewood and i was wrestling n 8th grader from granite falls and right off the start we tie up and then i shoot for the leg but he sprawls so i get back up really quick and then he shoots but i sprawl.So we play cat and mouse for a while and then it happened he put me in a head and arm and i got half way out but then he threw me and i landed right on top of my head but i got back up but i was so dissoriented i saw three of him instead of one and then the reff knew something was wrong so he let me catch my breath and then he asked if i wanted to continue and i said yes so we started up again and then i lost and the next day t practice we were sparring and zeke pushed my neck down an then you here this grousome cracking noise and i collapsed on the floor and found out later that from my neck down to midway beteen my shoulder blades was out of allignment

Friday, October 12, 2007


Captains!!!.”ok seth ,taylor.jason come on were captains lets go.”so there we were Kings had been undefeated and they were way to cocky and we needed to cut them down to size. so we get to receive and off the first kick we get it at about the 50.So here we go starting from a no huddle offense it went right stretch,right 30,left stretch, left 31 and back to a right stretch and by that time we had made it down to about the 20 and we ran a right stretch again and there I went to the 10 the 5 TOUCHHHDOOWWWNNNN COUGARS!!!! after that sam lee kicked a nice one in for 2 and then it was our turn to kick so we did and then we held them so now its our ball again and we ran a half back pass and i threw the bomb to chris penifiel he catches it and run it in for a 40 yard touchdown and then they scored off our kick off and then i scored again then they scored off a pass and then at half time it 28-27 and during the 3rd quarter is when it happened casey basically took a hand off from the other team and scores then after that i score 2 more times and the final score was 44-27 and i played a great game with 5 touchdowns a touchdown pass and an interception

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


This is my new blog.