Monday, February 25, 2008


Even though we lost this game it was one of the most physically draining i had ever played near the end were down by ten with not much time to go. I got fouled and as i was coming back in boounds i told the kid that fouled me not to push me again and then he turns around and say Hey you wanna fight Right now and i was so close to just dropping that kid and telling him to just shut up before i hit again but i didnt because it would end my season and i didnt want that to happen so i let the reff handle it and he ejected the kid. so on my second freethrow i missed and on the rebound i dove over mason shoudy and a kid from kings and i was bleeding pretty badly and i had to sit. In the last 30 seconds of the game and scored to baskets and lost with a score of 36-42 oh well though well get them next time.


So there we are in granite falls and its the last game of the night and its time for some varsity b-ball and were ready.Off the tip we get the ball and score a quick 2 as the game rolled on we just kept tacking up points.I was pretty proud of myself because i was foing well but at the same time frustrated because i wasnt doing well on my free throws but i didnt pay to much attention because we were winning.What really started to bug me was there best play Tre every time i would post up on him he would push me and elbow me but i couldnt do anything or i would get ejected so i just let him do it and it payed off because in the end we won but now im focused on kings

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


So there we are its super bowl Sunday and me,chris and casey had some money and we walked to texaco and bought a whole box of laffy taffy which we thought was hilarious after that we walked back and got ready for the super bowl....The first half was really boring because the score was 3-7 patriots winning but at the start of the 2nd half the giants really snapped into the game and scored but then the patriots came right back at them with one but with 35 seconds left in the game eli manning threw a touchdown pass to plaxico Buress which sealed the game and it showed everyone not to count out the underdog


"You ready avo."yea I said." there we were at the top of chair 7 getting ready for the first run of the season and as i get up i accidently catch my edge and fall over and as i look up chris is gone so i figured he would be at the bottom of the run but when i got there he wasnt there and i had never been to baker before and had no idea where to go so i just said oh well and spent the day up until 2:00pm jut by myself which actually turned out to be loads of fun until i hurt my knee and then my back.The way i hurt my knee was i went off this jump and messed up my landing and fell on my knee and the i hurt my back was i went of this side jump thing and landed on my back but i was ok just sore for a while i even had to get ski patrol for this one girl because she got messed up.All in all it was a good day I think I might have had more fun if i hadnt gotten myself ditched