Wednesday, February 6, 2008


"You ready avo."yea I said." there we were at the top of chair 7 getting ready for the first run of the season and as i get up i accidently catch my edge and fall over and as i look up chris is gone so i figured he would be at the bottom of the run but when i got there he wasnt there and i had never been to baker before and had no idea where to go so i just said oh well and spent the day up until 2:00pm jut by myself which actually turned out to be loads of fun until i hurt my knee and then my back.The way i hurt my knee was i went off this jump and messed up my landing and fell on my knee and the i hurt my back was i went of this side jump thing and landed on my back but i was ok just sore for a while i even had to get ski patrol for this one girl because she got messed up.All in all it was a good day I think I might have had more fun if i hadnt gotten myself ditched


Emma said...
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Emma said...

I like this entry because it sounds like you had a lot of fun and i really like snowboarding so i liked that you wrote about it. Good Work.


Chirs said...

Looks like you need to be a bit more careful when you snowboard becuase you could hurt yourself very bad.