Monday, February 25, 2008


Even though we lost this game it was one of the most physically draining i had ever played near the end were down by ten with not much time to go. I got fouled and as i was coming back in boounds i told the kid that fouled me not to push me again and then he turns around and say Hey you wanna fight Right now and i was so close to just dropping that kid and telling him to just shut up before i hit again but i didnt because it would end my season and i didnt want that to happen so i let the reff handle it and he ejected the kid. so on my second freethrow i missed and on the rebound i dove over mason shoudy and a kid from kings and i was bleeding pretty badly and i had to sit. In the last 30 seconds of the game and scored to baskets and lost with a score of 36-42 oh well though well get them next time.


Miranda said...

i liked this piece because you really described the game.
good job

Cameron said...

i liked this because it has alot of details and it was a pretty close score

.Jessica. said...

i liked this because it has alot of details and it was a pretty close score. you did a good job discribing the game. and it sounds like you played great!

@nthony said...

I liked your entery because it was a very tough game. That was pretty funny that the kid from King's got rejected. It's really a big bummer that we didn't get them the last time we played them. To me that game was like the game against Darrington to me when I fouled out. It was pretty tough to have that happen.

garret said...

I liked this entry because you explained the fued between you and this fellow from kings. That game sounded pretty close hope you beat them next year. Was the guy who fouled you bigger then you?

Mitch said...

I think it is good that you didnt hurt the Kings kid. It would have ruined your career. I think you played as well as you could. good job. Good luck next game.

tommy said...

Hey Avery. Sounded like an agressive game. You had good description, because of the way you told us about the one guy who got ejected. I'm glad he did. It was a shame you guys lost that game.

Cortney =] said...

I like this because it sounded intense and it was a pretty close game.

Good Job